Godaddy auctions a fix or are people just morons?
Godaddy expiring auctions allows you to buy good expiring domains at auction... but with so many people bidding on the same domain it make it very hard nowadays to get a bargain, especially with morons. Morons who only big once seem to bid days in advance.. for a domain this means that the domain auction becomes active.. is put on lists and tools will analyse the link profiles and pr of these domains meaning people will be drawn to these domains. If only these morns didn't bid days in advance and waited they would have been able to get a high pr domain really cheaply $12... but they do not wait ... why? Probably because they are really dumb that why.... or for whatever reason (well godaddy with the expiring auction are the only ones to gain) want these domains to be bided on. So it is either that seos are highly dumb and think that if they bid really early on a domain that everyone will not notice (which is kind of the opposite of what you should do)and they will get it really cheaply.. or there is another reason and people are fixing the prices of these domains... who really knows! Bt at least godaddy are making millions from this moronic behaviour. (Most of these bidders seems to only bid once as well and then disappear.... as though they don't really want the domain).... My advice is if you want to buy a high pr domain make sure you wait till the last minute to bid.. especially if no other bids ar eon it other wise it get pushed in the active list and everyone starts bidding on it..... DONT BE A IDIOT NOW WILL YOU!
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